I'm Attached, I love Kenny <3
Tuesday, February 26, 2008

不要哭了吗该哭的人是我吧你都坦白爱上了他我有什么办法我也同意啦既然你提出想法我们不要拖拖拉拉就从明天开始吧那就这样吧再爱都曲终人散啦那就分手吧再爱都无需挣扎不要再问我怎舍得拱手让他你走吧到了记得要给我通电话那就这样吧再爱都要Sayonara再给抱一下闻一闻你的长发不要再哭啦快把眼泪擦一擦这样吧再爱我有缘的话music..不要哭了吗该哭的人是我吧你都坦白爱上了他我有什么办法我也同意啦既然你提出想法我们不要拖拖拉拉就从明天开始吧那就这样吧再爱都曲终人散啦那就分手吧再爱都无需挣扎不要再问我怎舍得拱手让他你走吧到了记得要给我通电话那就这样吧再爱都要Sayonara再给抱一下闻一闻你的长发不要再哭啦快把眼泪擦一擦这样吧再爱我有缘的话快去把东西收拾一下再耗下去都天亮啦这里的钥匙你先留着吧怕你有东西假如你有东西忘了拿那就这样吧再爱都曲终人散啦那就分手吧再爱都无需挣扎不要再问我怎舍得拱手让他你走吧到了记得要给我通电话那就这样吧再爱都要Sayonara再给抱一下闻一闻你的长发不要再哭啦快把眼泪擦一擦这样吧再爱我有缘的话 .....hmmm i hope u understand tis song plz dun trake le if not u more painful de n plz let me go n start a new life i still belive u can found a gd bf he can gv u xin fu n hapi whice i cant gv u de ya...

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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

hmmm guy n gal me hv long time nv blog le coz im bz tis 2 week hope tt i can blog again when im free lor...last sat i went out wit my classmate 2 buy teacher bday gift n de teacher invite us 2 her house 2 eat...i went out ard 2+++ tt day i we went 2 vivo take a look but there is nutting which we wan 2 buy over there den we went 2 suntec n see wather can find tt gift wad we wan...i noe there is a boy love me so much but i tell him i hv stead le on tt day aftnoon he keep on sms me ask me go out wit him but i juz cant coz tt teacher is a nice teacher she sick oso cum n teach us n i decide 2 buy her a gift but tt boy ask me 2 tell my classmate 2 let me go early so tt he can mit me on tt day lor...i was so angry tt day coz he keep on sms me n ask me go out wit him n i tell him i juz cant mit u on tt day...tt nite when i reach hm ard 10+++ so aft my shower i take a rest in my rm n i keep on thinking i juz leave me bf juz like tt n love de other boy so i decide 2 tell tt boy tt i juz cant be ur stead me juz can be ur normal fren tt all..hey plz let me go i dun keep on sms me when we juz a fren be4 i say those word will hurt u so much i hope u understand it...ytd i online n tell tt boy wad i feel n i need 2 say out 2 u all de think in my heart i noe tt u r love me so much de i hope i tell u all tis not 2 hurt u or wad juz wan 2 let u noe we oni c an be fren if u insist wan 2 chase me den i hv 2 delete ur msn acc or frenster le ya..lets be fren ba atleast if u r my fren u still can chat wit me in de msn or frenster n can sms me as will sry 2 tell u tt me juz treat u as a fren lor not de lover at all....okie boy dun waste ur time in me le n there is alot of boy r waiting 4 u 2 love him de juz 4get me ba im not a gd lover 4 u 2 love me n 1 more thing i hv stead le u noe my bf as will hw u gonna face him when u go wit me arhxxx...dun be so stubbone le go find ur xin fu i belive u really can do it de....lastly i wan tell my stead is i wont leave u de hubby alt there is alot of boy jio me go stead but 1 think i wan tell u is i wont love other guy coz u r so importent 2 me i love u alot alot aalot alot hug hug muack muack

Tuesday, February 26, 2008